Escape The Loop
Add compelling variety to MIDI patterns in Process mode - or bring dynamic new MIDI to life in Generate mode...$20+
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Created by Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred, Chance Engine is designed to add controlled yet random fluctuations to the most important parameters of incoming MIDI drums, melodies, and harmonies in real-time. Produce musical variations by adjusting the probability incoming notes will play, be held, or change in velocity, octave, and pitch.
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Created by Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred, Chance Engine is designed to add controlled yet random fluctuations to the most important parameters of incoming MIDI drums, melodies, and harmonies in real-time. Produce musical variations by adjusting the probability incoming notes will play, be held, or change in velocity, octave, and pitch.
Switching from default Process mode to Generate allows Chance Engine to produce its own MIDI notes internally. Adjust your base MIDI note manually in the default Internal mode, or set it to Receive mode to adjust base note transposition via MIDI input. Then select a rhythm by combining a metrical base rate with a multiplier, along with optional offset — or go freestyle using millisecond timing instead. Generated output is then probabilistically processed by the randomization controls as described in Process mode. Better yet, use the unique Gate and Side modes to produce vibrant musical conversation between different MIDI tracks. Experiment, have fun, and capture your results to new MIDI or Audio Clips by recording them to other tracks in Live.
- Randomize the chance notes will play, be sustained, or be humanized
- Randomize the chance velocity, octave, swing, or pitch will change within constrained ranges
- Pitch can be randomized every note, or set to randomize at nearly any rhythmic interval for controlled musical changes
- Four pitch randomization modes: Chance, Drunk, Fluid, and Decide
- Transpose in octave and semitone intervals via two separate controls
- All MIDI output conforms to one of 69 included scales in any key, fully integrated with bundled Global Hub
- All parameters available for automation, modulation, and MIDI mapping
- Default Process mode transforms incoming MIDI input according to the controls above; switch to Generate mode to open up new parameters and produce MIDI output on its own
- Two MIDI modes, with default Internal setting the base pitch of generated notes via note slider; Receive mode takes base pitch from incoming MIDI, allowing you to program melodic progressions within which randomization will occur
- Three unique playback modes for interactive composition: Free generates pulses regardless of input; Gate only generates pulses if incoming MIDI notes are held; while Side is the inverse, only generating pulses between incoming MIDI notes
- Time modes let you toggle between metrical intervals or milliseconds, with either mode inheriting the nearest interval from the other for seamless transitions
- Intricate rhythmic control over pulses, with a base rate specified anywhere between 128th notes and whole notes, including dotted and triplet options – while the rate multiplier allows for unique polymetric cycles; for example, a base rate of 16n with a multiplier of 7 will produce a pulse every seven 16th notes
- Optional offset base rate with multiplier staggers the start of any pulse rhythm, configurable in the same way as the main pulses
Base rate division in Generate mode for more flexible rhythmic output.
Added a new randomization mode, Decide, similar to the recently added mode in Pattern Engine, wherein pitch randomizations will be selected between two possible note-relative values specified by the minimum and maximum pitch randomization sliders.
Added a new timing section consisting of:
- Swing quantization chooser (None, 8n, 16n, 32n);
- Swing intensity slider (only active with a swing quantization value other than None selected);
- Swing chance dial (only active with a swing quantization value other than None selected and a swing intensity value above zero) - this allows you to randomize whether eligible notes will be swung on a per-note basis;
- Humanize slider to add additional, short, randomized delays, with higher values increasing both probability of notes being delayed and the maximum delay length, up to 100ms.
Info View Annotated
Learn all you need to know directly in Live - just open the Info View and hover your mouse over any parameter.
Scale Aware
Natively integrated with Live 12's scale and key for seamless workflow.
Theme Adaptive
Device colors automatically adapt to your preferred Live theme.
Optimized for Push
All parameters ready and available in Push.
Includes: Chance Engine device, 16 presets (8 Process + 8 Generate), Utility Boost, manual.
Included with: Ultra Bundle, Max MIDI Bundle.