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Why can’t I access your products on Gumroad anymore?

After their decision to drop PayPal, Gumroad was no longer a sustainable option for our business model. But don’t worry, your history is intact and all your Gumroad products can be accessed by clicking here - or the Account option at bottom left of our website. This will take you to our new e-commerce provider, Lemon Squeezy, who will provide a link to access your purchase history via secure email link anytime you want. If you have any issues accessing your products, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Where is my Squarespace account page?
In summer 2024 we migrated to a new e-commerce platform. If you purchased products after that time, simply click our new Account link at bottom left. If you had purchased any of our paid products in the past, you should have received emails with instructions to migrate your purchase history to the new platform on our around July 21, 2024. If you did not see this in your inbox, please check your spam and junk folders. If you still cannot find the email(s) with your account migration instructions, please complete this form.

Why are my purchases charged to Lemon Squeezy or LEMSQZY?Lemon Squeezy is our paymemt processor and merchant of record, meaning they handle all our payment transactions. As a result, your bills may show your purchases from us as Lemon Squeezy, LEMSQZY, or LEMSQZY*128547.

I’ve paid for my product but not received a download link - what should I do?If your purchase is successful, you should be taken immediately to a Lemon Squeezy product download page directly in your browser; if that’s not the case, your payment may not have gone through. First, check your junk and spam folders; if the purchase confirmation isn’t there, click this link and look for the product in your downloads via the magic link that arrives in your inbox after submitting your email. Failing that, please contact Lemon Squeezy directly via email by clicking here with your purchase confirmation number from your payment method.

I don’t want to pay in USD, can I select a different currency?Unfortunately, Lemon Squeezy only allows one currency for display purposes - but don’t worry: you should be charged directly in the native currency of your payment method with no extra conversion fees.

I saw the download page in my browser but can't find my download email, what should I do?

Be sure to check your spam or junk folders as it may have been sorted there. In the unfortunate event you entered (or auto-completed) the wrong email address, you should either simply re-check out for free devices, or, if it was a paid purchase, you can complete the download request form here. Otherwise, just visit your account page to retrieve your past purchases.

Where should I install my devices?

We strongly suggest placing them in Live’s User Library so Live’s Browser can index them for easy search results; better yet, place them in an appropriate User Library subfolder such as Presets > MIDI Effects > Max MIDI Effect. Alternatively, you can place them in any secure folder on your hard drive, though we recommend adding that folder to Live’s Browser Places for ease of access. Either way, wherever the devices reside, they can also be added to Live’s Category system which we also recommend.

How do I access product updates?

If you created a Gumroad account, simply visit your Gumroad product library, log in, navigate to the desired product, and then re-download the latest version of your products. If you have legacy products from our previous shop and did not receive instructions to migrate to Gumroad, please complete this form.

The device version isn't in the file name — how can I tell if I have the latest version?

We leave our device names intact so Live can still find and swap them seamlessly in your existing projects. To verify whether you have the latest version, look at the “date modified” field of the .amxd file in Finder (macOS) or Explorer (Windows).

Where can I find the bundled Utility Boost included with paid devices?

If you downloaded the latest version of a paid device (other than Desolation Echo), you can find Utility Boost included directly in the MFA Utility Boost folder at the top directory of the unzipped archive; in older .zip versions, you can find it in the Utilities subfolder of the device project folder.

What is your refund policy?

If a purchased product turns out not to be compatible with your system or simply doesn’t function as expected or intended — no worries: so long as we receive confirmation that you have deleted all downloaded files and any links to re-download them within two weeks of the purchase date, we will process a refund to your original payment method. To initiate a refund request, please complete this form.


Are your devices compatible with Live 12's Scale Awareness?

Yes - as of 14 November 2023, all the latest versions of our devices automatically and continually inherit the global scale and key from any Live 12 set while in default Global mode; just toggle to Local pinning to ignore Live 12 scale and key settings — and in Live 11, they all still work with Global Hub.

Can I use Global Hub in Live 12?

You certainly can — and it can send (and randomize) scale and key to your Live 12 set, although it’s no longer necessary to keep our other devices in key as they all now automatically work with Live 12’s Scale and Key Awareness.

My device’s scale and key are not saved with my Live set or presets — what’s wrong?

For device scale and key to be stored locally with a set without an instance of Global Hub, or with a preset, the scale and key Global mode must be toggled to pin the scale and key to Local device settings first. Toggling from Local back to Global mode will automatically force the device to inherit Global Hub settings.

I don’t want my device to conform to Global Hub’s scale and key — is this possible?

Any device that can be impacted by Global Hub has a Global toggle; click this to pin the scale and key to Local device settings. Toggling from Local back to Global mode will automatically force the device to inherit Global Hub settings.


Why don't certain parameters randomize when I click the dice?

If a parameter’s lock is engaged, it will not be randomized; toggle locks off individually, or click the key symbol button, if the device has one, to unlock all parameters simultaneously. Locked parameters remain available for manual control.

How do I prevent certain parameters from randomizing when I click the dice?

For parameters that you do not wish to randomize, enable their lock toggle. Locked parameters remain available for manual control — and automation.

Why won't certain parameters save with my set?

Parameters that have been made eligible for auto-randomization are no longer visible to Live’s history and therefore not saved with the set. In Pattern Engine, click the disk icon in the device to revert all parameters to a state that can be saved with your Live Set. Alternatively, you can record the MIDI or audio output generated from any Manifest Audio device by routing it via Live’s I/O matrix and recording the output to your desired destination track.

Some parameters are unavailable for automation — why?

When a parameter is auto-randomized (or a step note pitch is set to Chance mode), it cannot be seen by Live’s automation system. To allow automation for a particular step, engage the lock for any auto-randomizing parameter — or simply disable auto-randomization, if possible.

When I click the Global Hub dice in Device mode, why doesn't anything happen?

The Device randomization only governs eligible, unlocked parameters of instances of Pattern Engine, Octopulse, and Subtraction Engine in your current set - please make sure these are updated to the latest version, and remember that step pitches set to Manual mode in Pattern Engine are essentially locked, and must be switched to Chance mode to receive randomization internally or from Global Hub.

Why does Global Hub switch back to Hub randomization after clicking dice in Device mode?

This is to prevent abuse that could result in Live crashing if too many parameters are randomized too quickly.


Subtraction Engine / Cheat Code / Note Raum don't make any notes – why?

These devices do not generate MIDI notes, they only process them. Be sure to send it MIDI from a MIDI Clip or by playing notes in manually.

Why don’t Mod Squad devices make any notes or sound?

All Mod Squad devices only produce a control modulation signal, reacting to either MIDI, audio, or purely random generation. To deploy this modulation signal, the devices must be mapped to active parameters in other devices in your Live set.

Output keeps transposing when I play MIDI notes — how can I stop this?

Disarm record input for the MIDI track containing your device, and/or toggle from Receive to Internal mode if applicable.

Generative MIDI doesn't render when I Freeze a track or Export my Set - why not?

When Live Freezes or Exports, it doesn't trigger any generative MIDI processes, which means none of your generative output will be included. The solution is to record the generative output to MIDI or audio clips beforehand. The benefit of this is you will end up with artefacts you can compose around somewhat more reliably.


Where should I install my MIDI Tools?

Your Live 12 User Library should include a folder called MIDI Tools, and that’s the best spot to store them. If you don’t see that folder there by default, no worries — you can manually add it yourself. Once our MIDI Tools are in there, give Live a minute or so to detect them.

Where should I install my MIDI Tools?

Your Live 12 User Library should include a folder called MIDI Tools, and that’s the best spot to store them. If you don’t see that folder there by default, no worries — you can manually add it yourself. Once our MIDI Tools are in there, give Live a minute or so to detect them.

How do I keep my MIDI Tools from constantly changing the MIDI?

Click in your MIDI clip note editor to fix the current changes in place and begin a new set of generation or transformation. You can also turn the Generate or Transform toggle off and just click the apply button whenever you’re ready to hear changes.

How come some parameters don’t continue randomizing?

To maintain consistency when using multiple MIDI Tools in a simultaneous chain, random seeds ensure certain parameters are only randomized a specific way at a given time; to re-randomize a MIDI Tool, just click Generate or Transform below the tool to produce a new random seed.


What is the maximum length of data I can enter into a Sonification Tool?

Due to limitations with Max list processing, the maximum data string length for Data MIDI, Dataforge, and Data Mod is currently 2048. It’s debatable whether longer strings would produce musical results anyway. Meanwhile, due to MSP buffer size limitations, the maximum data string length for Data FX is 512, while Data Synth is limited to 256.

Why do I get a VIDDLL warning on Windows?For our image and video modes to work on Windows, you might need to install the free VIDDLL Max library package. It’s easy - click here to view step by step instructions.

What image and video files can I sonify?Our Sonification Tool Image modes currently support JPG, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formts; Video modes support MOV and MP4.

How can I sonify a full table of data strings?

Simply use as many instances of our Sonification Tools as necessary to give voice to all the concurrent strings of data required for your project; a good way to think about each instance is that it can handle one row or column of data — therefore, simply add another Sonification Tool for each column or row of data in a table you wish to give voice to.

Why isn’t Data MIDI or Data Mod receiving my OSC messages?

First, you need to make sure your OSC application is sending to your computer’s IP address, which should be visible in your computer’s wi-fi or network settings panel. Then you must ensure Data MIDI or Data Mod are set to receive on the corresponding OSC port. Finally, the exact correct address, including any backslash symbols, must be entered in the Address text field, without any spaces - then be sure to hit the Enter key after typing it in to ensure the desired OSC address is ingested by the device. View this short 5-step tutorial to learn how to configure OSC with our Sonification Tools.

My data isn't playing back as expected, what should I do?

Data preparation is the first step to ensure a smooth sonification experience. Make sure only the actual data you wish to use has been pasted in. Be sure not to include, for example, an index column that simply counts up from 1 alongside the desired data, as this will skew the results rather drastically. Please ensure only numeric characters are pasted into the data field. Numbers should be separated by a space and/or line break (enter); commas or semicolons may cause problems and should be avoided — but don’t worry: data copied from a CSV will be entered correctly as space-separated here. Finally, you must ensure float values are denoted correctly with a period (“.”) symbol — not a comma (“,”). Finally, certain data sets may contain nonsensical values that should be purged before sonification usage.

Where can I find good data?

There are a wide range of sites available to explore a variety of data sets for free, from sports to finance to more incisive academic data of all kinds.

Can I use data from any source in music I plan to sell?

Websites such as Our World In Data allow you to use their data freely under a creative commons license - so long as you attribute the website and authors in your credits. However, different data sets will have different licenses, some of which may be more strict - so be sure to check that you have permission to use the data set you intend to in the way you plan to use it before committing.


I’m constraining eligible X-FX parameters to my project scale and key via Global Hub, but the end result isn’t harmonizing — why not?

The pitch-related parameters are quantizing corresponding millisecond or hertz values to notes in the current scale and key, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the resulting audio will be tuned to that scale and key; this is entirely dependent on the source material being processed so results may vary.

I want to control the Note or Transposition value of my X-FX with a Rack macro, automation, MIDI controller, or modulator, but when I do, the parameter doesn't change as intended — how do I fix this?

Due to an issue with Max for Live, in order to control pitched Note or Relay Transposition values outside the effect, you must set the device Glide time to 0.00 ms, after which all the above described methods will work as intended.

How do I use Relay mode with my X-FX?

Place an instance of X-Relay on the desired MIDI source track. Set it to Relay mode and select the desired Relay conduit. Then, put your X-FX device into Relay mode and set it to receive on the same conduit. Transposition might not register until it has received a MIDI note from the X-Relay source.


Sometimes when attempting to map a parameter I get a "modulation assignment not supported" warning - what should I do?

Due to internal dependencies, certain device parameters will not allow modulation in certain versions of Live; in the rare case you get this message, simply toggle the assignment to Remote control mode and you should be able to otherwise assign it as desired.


Can I trial your products?

Unfortunately, Max for Live and Live Rack licensing does not allow for trial periods, but if you are unsatisfied with your product for any functional reason, you may request a refund.

Why are some parameters not labeled?

Working within the limited range constraints afforded by Live’s allotted device view and MIDI Tool panel restrictions, we have begun to opt for color-coding where possible - but you can always check Live’s Info View to understand any of our MIDI Tool parameters, or simply be reminded of their function.

How can I capture the results my device is producing?

You can route the output from to any other Audio or MIDI track in Live via the In/Out routing matrix – just record enable and start jamming to produce all kinds of unique artefacts in the format of your choice.

I’m getting glitches and drop-outs in Live — how can I avoid this?

In the Audio tab of Live’s Preferences pane, increase the Buffer Size to at least 256 samples; we recommend 512 for heavy-duty sequencers like Pattern Engine.

My device looks small — how do I make it bigger?

In the Look/Feel tab of Live’s Preferences pane, simply increase the Zoom Display percentage slider to 125% or 150%.

Does Manifest Audio have a climate policy?
We are proud to partner with Stripe’s climate program: a portion of all sales go toward protecting our biosphere via climate initiatives - click here to learn more.

How can I learn more about a device?

All our devices are Info View annotated, so open Live’s Info View and hover over any Manifest Audio device parameter for a description. We also strongly recommend reading the manual that came bundled with your device download for further details. Finally, you can view our video tutorials on YouTube for further educational content on our devices.

Do your Max for Live devices work on Push 3 Standalone?
Generally, yes - we test our devices on Push 3 Standalone and they are all generally compatible, but Max and/or Push updates can occasional alter certain behaviors. If something is working as you expect, please let us know.

What if my question isn’t answered here, in Live’s Info View, or the product manual?

In that case, please complete our technical support form here.